Sunday, November 27, 2011

Advertising design: humor ads

Humor based ad for Apple products, 9x6", Photoshop & inDesign.
Caption by Stacy Paulsen Chandler.
Humor based ad for Apple products, 9x6", Photoshop & inDesign.
Caption by Ric Veruete.
Humor based ad for Apple products, 9x6", Photoshop & inDesign.
Humor based ad for Apple products, 9x6", Photoshop & inDesign.

From the syllabus: We are sometimes used to tech products being sold as the newest/fastest/latest/greatest based on specs and buzzwords. We can also get numb to this approach and start tuning it out.

Choose a technology product from the following categories:

portable reader/mobile device ie iPad, Kindle

And come up with an advertising approach that sells the product via a humorous approach. It could be a play on the size of the devices, how much they do, how much we want (versus need) them, etc. Gentle sarcasm, self-depracating humor (Volkswagen was a master of this approach in the 60's and 70's), whatever. No specific size but be realistic (and I'd prefer they not be too small...) could this be an interesting size or proprtion? Think in terms of where this ad would run, ie newspaper, magazine.

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